Manade Marié, Breeding of Camargue Horses
The " Manade" | Horses for sale | Our services | Photographs and reportages | Contacts
The "Manade"

in french ! REPORTAGES in french:
Bellegarde 2007
Camagri 2008 :
VIIe rencontre du Cheval de Race Camargue

French version
German version

The " Manade Marié ", exists since 1957, and breeds Camargue horses which are elegant, multi-functional and brave..

We pay special attention to the following aspects :
  • looks
  • well-being
  • ability to work with bulls
  • riding versatility

Eva &Jean-Louis Marié
Eva & Jean-Louis MARIE.

Association des Eleveurs de Chevaux de Race CamargueThe " Manade Marié " is a member of the AECRC, Association of the Stockbreeders (horses) of the Camargue Breed. It is recognized by the Regional Camargue National Trust, whose main goal is to promote the Camargue breed.


Jappelou de l'Or
Jappelou de l'Or

Audrey RAGON & Junior
Audrey RAGON & Junior de l'Or.

"Gardians" games
"Gardians" games : Serge & Jean-Louis.

The horses are leave or further trained for the "taurine" season" which includes many village festivals in the area!

The marking of the foals
The marking of the foals in november.


The " Manade" | Horses for sale | Our services | Photographs and reportages | Contacts
Design / realization : Sandra FRUS - 2004
Translated by M. Godard