Manade Marié, Breeding of Camargue Horses
The " Manade" | Horses for sale | Our services | Photographs and reportages | Contacts
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The Manade

in french ! REPORTAGES in french:
Bellegarde 2007
Camagri 2008 :
VIIe rencontre du Cheval de Race Camargue

French version
German version


At 6 months, in the autumn, the foals are separated from their mother and begin their adult life.

After having been marked in the summer, with the irons of the "Manade", and nationally recognized by the "Haras" national institute, they are put in stalls at the farmhouse. They become familiar with man…

The irons of the " Manade "
The Marié Foals  

Very detailed attention is given to their food : hay from the CRAU ( A.O.C) + granulates

At spring, the foals are freed, males and females separated, and they enjoy the marshes open spaces till 3 years of age.


The " Manade" | Horses for sale | Our services | Photographs and reportages | Contacts
Design / realization : Sandra FRUS - 2004
Translated by M. Godard